Selasa, 17 Ogos 2010


sex phenomenon occurs in man in the world. several studies done in this country shows 27 percent of our youth today having sex outside of marriage. council HEWI PKPIM also see scenario baby dumping that occured late this very critical and should be completely addressed by all parties. during the next two year until 2006. CTR receive a total of 145 babies out to wedlock and found discarded. According to the statistic of baby dumping cases in Australia issued by the office of the PDRM, Bukit Aman. 

in 2000, a total 65 cases of baby dumping have been reported throughout the country. while in 2006, cases increased by 18 cases of baby dumping the whole case in the year amounted to 83 cases. Althought the statistics do not reach the figure hundreds of cases, does not mean that we as members of the comunity leave the phenomenon.  

me: rosmanora osman

Harapan Tanpa Suara - Kempen Kami Prihatin

Ahad, 15 Ogos 2010

No guarantee death penalty will be deterrent

KUALA LUMPUR: The cabinet’sdecision to classify as murder the cases of baby dumping where the infants die has been welcomed by two non-governmental organisations, but a third has called for a study on the proposal.

The Syariah Lawyers Association of Malaysia (PGSM) and the Muslim Lawyers Association of Malaysia (PPMM) feel the harsher penalty would curb baby dumping.

PGSM president Mohamad Isa Abd Ralip said the time had come for firmer action to prevent the negative behaviour from becoming widespread because such cases were serious and worrying.

Read more: No guarantee death penalty will be deterrent

by: rosnah @ anaRoS

Isnin, 9 Ogos 2010

i very sad with them

you would think that, being more education and exposed than ever today, all people still stupid because they killing of innocent babies. they are willing thrown into the bins, drains, and so on. sometimes, i feel sad with the baby, why, in the world have people became the animal. so, if the still remove the baby, they should be charged approprietly punished.

From :Rosmanora

Ahad, 8 Ogos 2010

Baby Dumping @ Unwanted Pregnancy @ Teenage pregnancy

There are many problems happen around us such as dumping babies. Dumping baby means that the acts of throw away the babies at any places without take care the babies. We can know about this because of this case appears every day in newspapers, we can see that these cases are increasing from time to time. According to the statistics of baby dumping cases in Malaysia issued by the Headquarters of the Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM), Bukit Aman, in 2000, a total of 65 cases of baby dumping have been reported throughout the country. This serious case should be aware by the community as it becomes more popular among teenagers in Malaysia. Dumping babies become more serious among teenagers in Malaysia due to poor guidance from parents, lack of religious education and uncontrolled social life.

Parents play high role to teach their kids to become good in their behavior. Besides that, parents also have to guide and advise their children in whatever they do. It’s true that a good parental foundation can steer someone on the right path and tragically, there are instances of children seeming doomed from the start. They receive such poor guidance from their parents when they are young. Parents should be held accountable for the children they raise. Sometimes, parents don’t give full attention to their children as today many parents are expect their children are good enough. Parents are also too busy with their jobs until they forget to give attention to their children. This is a serious problem among parents as they don’t know what their children are doing. According to Dr. Khaidzir Ismail, Psychologists of children and adolescents from University of Kebangsaan Malaysia, 2007, “Conflict in the family kicked out of youth to find a place and friends can help overcome life and at the same time meet the needs of finance, entertainment and emotional development”. If someone has poor parental modeling but still goes on to make fantastic life choices, we would hardly...


by : rosnah jamil @ ana RoS

My Opinion

The issue of dumping the baby is never-ending past few years can be considered as an epidemic or disaster paad country. Disposal of the day the baby was reported in many newspapers and the most touching and there is an innocent baby is not only removed, but also burned. Those who do this are people who have no self-respect and not civilized. What there is no humanity in them is not responsible for this?
In my reading of the text quoted Abdul Halim Abdullah (2011) that the proposal by Minister of Women, Family and Community Development, Datuk Seri Abdul Jalil Sharizat to overcome the problem of disposal among young infants in this. He has directed all the officers of Social Welfare Department (JKM) 24-hour standby to provide assistance in dealing with cases of baby dumping is rampant lately. In my opinion, it was a wise move because the officers are also ordinary citizens who may have the baby and family.
People who throw their babies usually have free sex. They throw the baby with the hope that they are given the opportunity to lead a new life and the need to avoid ridiculed and scorned by local residents about their treatment. They should not be disparaged, and abominable, but given the help and moral support in facing this challenge of life.


by Siti Zuhairah Roslan~ulamak

Definition of UnWanted Pregnancy

Accordance with the means to 4th edition, 208 pages, remove the word means throw, delete and remove. Word baby means a new child born to the mother. While the meaning is the act of dumping a baby throw or destroy innocent children everywhere to no humane nature. Defined in the dictionary definition of this hall towards explaining the meaning of baby dumping more clearly. This could be the purpose of understanding the reader to find out more about the problem of disposal of this baby.