Ahad, 15 Ogos 2010

No guarantee death penalty will be deterrent

KUALA LUMPUR: The cabinet’sdecision to classify as murder the cases of baby dumping where the infants die has been welcomed by two non-governmental organisations, but a third has called for a study on the proposal.

The Syariah Lawyers Association of Malaysia (PGSM) and the Muslim Lawyers Association of Malaysia (PPMM) feel the harsher penalty would curb baby dumping.

PGSM president Mohamad Isa Abd Ralip said the time had come for firmer action to prevent the negative behaviour from becoming widespread because such cases were serious and worrying.

Read more: No guarantee death penalty will be deterrent http://www.nst.com.my/nst/articles/Noguaranteedeathpenaltywillbedeterrent/Article#ixzz0wj77gah9

by: rosnah @ anaRoS

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